Monday 21 January 2013

Inpirational Concept Art

Concept Art - Rayman Origins - What I love about this concept art is that it is very stylised yet consistent, and it uses this style throughout the game. Quite minimalistic and has a very nice use of colour schemes, to create a believable, beautiful environment.
Concept Art - Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - Very nice brush strokes in this piece of concept art, also showing a contrast between the very vibrant red and orange colours and the grey colours to create more depth.
Concept Art - Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - Very nice brush strokes in this piece of concept art, also showing a contrast between the very cool, ice blue colour and the brown, yet quite brighter half of the picture.

This concept art caught my eye and i'm not sure why. I'm quite into the oriental type of architecture and environments, but also the warm feel to this makes it look very special. It has used various shades of the same mud type colour to create the whole drawing which I think is incredible... There are also a good displayed of Brush Strokes in this, especially on the mid-ground and background buildings.

Concept Art - Dishonored - Beautiful piece of concept art, making full use of simple brush strokes throughout the whole piece even in the focused, detailed area such as the bridge. I want to produce something of this quality for my pei

Concept Art - Assassins Creed - Fan Art - Tremendous piece of concept fan art to create an oriental setting for an Assassins Creed game... Both of them show a beautiful looking atmosphere even from different angles, time and setting. Looking close, there is little detail on the buildings or even the characters in the scene, yet the brush strokes have been done so well that it doesn't take anything away from the picture.
Concept Art - Guild Wars 2 - Very sketchy style of painting, using very harsh, sharp strokes with consistent, quite vibrant colours.

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